Sunday, November 1, 2009


For the past few years we have done a family theme and I have loved Halloween! This year the kids decided they just wanted to use the costumes we had saved and to do their own thing. I was a little disappointed but once I got sick the beginning of the month I was relieved. It was not as fun but it sure was easier.

Now remember I have been very sick for weeks. I didn't pick out their outfits or dress any of them! I think they had fun and that is what matters.

Parker as a lion! He wouldn't keep the hat on but he was cute!

Andrew was thrilled to be spiderman this year. He has had this costume for 2 years and has never worn it on Halloween.

Caitlyn is an Indian trying to stay warm in the cold, cold temperatures.

Alyssa is wearing my Mom's pioneer costume. We had to hem it a little and take it in but she looked great and got to honor Grandma Guy!

This is Mariah's second or third costume of the year. She was a witch for her school party but I didn't get a picutre. She wanted a change and went for this princess look!


Flem said...

So cute!!

We have always had the kids pick their own thing and it is usually a lot easier when I just don't care. If I get involved it is always a big ordeal, so since this year I was so busy I was like, eh, fine, whatever and it was soo nice not to be sewing something on Oct. 30th at midnight!

Wendy said...

Love Andrew's pose! Ds wouldn't put our lion costume on--they could've been cute lions together!