Tuesday, July 5, 2011

4th of July

This 4th we went to a friend and neighbors. Beth is the best party planner. She invited some of her family, a few friends and some neighbors. It was a great mix of people. She decorated her yard and coordinated a BBQ with bratwursts!
Beth doing a 4th of July cheer with her sparklers. Aaron had to try his hand at fire breathing again. He was able to do as much as we had some rain and quite a bit of wind. I was able to catch this shot while trying not use the flash. He did great and was very entertaining. Andrew had as much fun with the glow sticks as he did sparklers.

Part of the group. There were about 30 people. The young boys were thrilled with their chance to light the fireworks. We didn't have any of the now legal aerial fireworks but we still had a good show.

Mariah and Alyssa did a few sparklers before watching the rest of the night. I didn't get any pictures of Caitlyn but she was out having fun. I think she did more sparklers than any of the other kids.

Parker only made it through 1 sparkler. Then he sat with Mom for a little bit. Once he heard the fire crackers he lost it and went inside the rest of the night.

Another good holiday. We are reminded of our freedoms and our blessings. We have so much to be grateful for, especially those who work to keep our freedom. God bless America!

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